(casefiles Wednesday) The Old Funeral Home

This was an interesting case. It was February, the wind was howling, and this place was in the middle of nowhere. There were no real trees, no real windbreaks, except for this large house. Oh, and it was a new moon, so only stars and darkness. No streetlights. The perfect setting for a haunted house.

It was a really neat house too. The family lived in one half – the other half, which we didn’t have access to (sadly!) used to be a funeral home. The family reported cold spots, the dogs refusing to go into the living room (they had a LOT of dogs. All sizes, all kinds – and they ALL refused to go into the living room), and seeing flashes of light in the darkness. The team included myself, Dianne, Jay, Kerri, and Jenn. Several of the family members also stayed to help us investigate, while several others took the big dogs with them. We ended with two pugs, and their cat, who they told us was having issues, despite being the only cat in the house. We set up nerve center in the kitchen, and went off to investigate.

Jay and I went on a wild chase through the basement, which seemed to stretch for miles. At one point, I’m pretty positive that we were outside the house entirely. Every room opened into another room. We finally got stopped by a partially-caved in room, but we could see more basement stretching out before us. It was pretty cool.

Like I said, we never got into the funeral home side, but the family side was pretty active. We all heard a cat meowing at one point or another, when the family’s cat was actually sleeping in the bathroom. We even caught it on audio, when none of us reacted to it.

Jenn saw a full body apparation of a little girl in one of the rooms, and there was a cold spot that followed me around while Jenn, myself, and two of the family members were doing an EVP walk. We measured the air around me, and it was a good 15 degrees colder than just 10 feet away, no matter where I was.

This was a neat place, but unfortunately, before we could go back and investigate the funeral home side, the family moved.

Do you have a place for us to check out? Or a haunted spot you’d like to see profiled in the blog? Or an author you’d like us to talk to? Then let us know! Comment below, or email us at casemanager@dkparanormal.com.